Here are all the details of my fully sound-proof, standalone, purpose-built, broadcast quality home studio.
I talk to myself in my padded cell, my trusty soundproof standalone Studio Bricks booth.
The rich and natural Rode N2A
The great sounding Focusrite Clarett 2Pre
Studio monitoring via industry standard Beyer DT770 pro headphones and Tannoy Reveal 601a monitors.
The ubiquitous Adobe Audition, giving me the ability to voice to video and link seamlessly to the outside world.
You can connect directly to my studio using SourceConnect, Audio TX, ipDTL, Cleanfeed, Session Link Pro, or even old school phone patch and I’m also happy to appear via any video conferencing software – be it Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet or any other that you choose to use!
If you have any questions or want to book me, please contact me and I will be in touch soon.
Ben Romer Lee, VocalPoint