Christmas Cards

For the last four years the awesome male voiceover Piers Gibbon and I have sent out our own joint Christmas cards, illustrated for us by the wonderful comic artist Kev F Sutherland (he’s drawn for the Beano, don’t you know!).  Each year we’ve come up with a new version of the same basic theme, and we’ve been delighted by how popular they have become (some of our lovely voiceover clients even go to great trouble drawing and sending us their own ideas!),  If you’ve only just started working with us then you may not have seen all the designs, so we thought we’d share them here (and give you even more to puzzle over!)


In the first year we just wanted a card that was Christmassy and gave people a little something to engage with.

Hover to see the answers
Hover to see the answers: Last Christmas (Last, Crisp, Mouse).
Jingle Bells (Gin, Gull, Bells).
Silent Night (Psi, Leant, Knight).

On the back of the first card (and in fact all of our cards) were clues to work out who we were (if you hadn’t already opened the card and seen our signatures of course!)

Hover to see the answers
Hover to see the answers: Louisa Gummer (Loo, Es, Ah, Gum, Myrrh)
Piers Gibbon (Peers, Gibb, On)



We moved on to Christmas food for 2018 – mainly because we had an idea how to draw the first one!

Hover to see the answers
Hover to see the answers: Roast Turkey (Row, Stir, Key).
Christmas Cake (Crisp, Mouse, Cake).
Mince Pies (Min, Spies).



Crossing the road in October of 2019 I had a brainwave for what to do with the Christmas card theme, as I suddenly thought of the first clue – so 2019’s theme was Christmas decorations!

Hover to see the answers
Hover to see the answers: Mistletoe (Missile, Toe).
Baubles (Boar, Bulls).
Tinsel (Tin, Cell).


What can we say about 2020?  Voiceovers with broadcast quality home studios are used to working from home, but this year most of our clients joined us in our working solitude!  We decided not to physically send cards this year, with so many of our clients not at the office – so have donated the printing and postage costs to our local food bank instead.  This year we were inspired by the amount of time we have all spent watching Netflix, Amazon Prime and the like and have given you three Christmas films to challenge you!

Hover to see the answers
Hover to see the answers: It’s a Wonderful Life (Wonder, Full, Life).
Love Actually (Love, Act, Chilly).
Die Hard (Dye, Herd).

We hope you have a lovely time over Christmas, wherever you are, and that 2021 brings peace, happiness and good health for everyone.